# Widgets
Widgets allow you to create micro frontends for your sites and applications. Using Widgets extends the capabilities of your sites and allows you to have more control since you can add more functionality by keeping each widget as a separate entity from your site.
When you enter the Widgets section of the site, you can see a list of all the widgets that have been created. In the top bar you can filter the list of widgets by status, author, tags, or do a text search by the name of the widget.
In the widget editing view, you can see three areas: the top action bar, the main work area and the properties column on the right.
Along the top bar, on the left, you can see the widget name and current status:
- Draft: This status means a widget is new or is unpublished.
- Published: This status means a widget is published and the version in the editor contains no unpublished changes.
- Pending changes: This status means there is a published version of a widget, and the editor contains unpublished, pending changes.
- In review: This status means team review is enabled and this widget is in review.
- Approved: This status appears when team review is enabled and the review conditions for the item are met. When in this state, templates are ready to be published.
On the right, you'll find the following actions: Preview: Opens the preview of the editable version of the widget in a new tab.
You can preview the widgets as a user without a session or a user with a Modyo session. For this, it is recommended to open or close the Modyo session on the site before entering preview mode. This is because logging in or out of preview mode can result in security errors such as x-frame-options or mixed-content, depending on the site's custom domain and SSL settings.
Differences: Takes you to the difference view, where you can compare the changes between multiple versions of the widget.
By default, you start by comparing the published version with the editable version. Use the version selectors to compare with backup versions. If the icon does not appear, it means that there is no published version of this widget.
Activity: Allows you to display a side tab that shows the widget's activity and comments.
Other options: Allows you to archive and create a copy of the current widget.
Main button:
- Save: Saves current changes.
- Submit for review: If team review is enabled, you can submit the widget for review and notify reviewers that the widget is ready for review.
- Publish: Takes you to the join review and publication view where you can publish your widgets.
Other main actions:
- Unpublish: If the widget is published, you can take it out of production using this option.
- Force publishing: If you're a site administrator, you can use this option to immediately publish a widget, even if Team Review is enabled.
Only unpublished widgets can be archived.
Archived widgets do not appear in the main widget list or in the Custom widget selection in Page Builder. You can restore an archived widget by editing it and using the restore option in the upper right corner of the editing view.
Once a widget is published, it is available as a custom widget in the page builder.
To learn more about publication lifecycles in Modyo, review the Versioning section.
In the main work area you can see the following:
- Code Tabs: A JavaScript, CSS, and HTML tab is available to build widgets.
- Asset manager: Opens a modal that lists all account files and provides filters and searching. Clicking the image preview or file name opens an editor where you can resize/crop the image, and change attributes such as the title or alternate text. Selecting the copy icon provides you with a URL you can paste, and you can select the "Upload files" tab to upload files. You can learn more about By clicking on it, you will raise the file management modal, where you can filter and search the files you have uploaded in the File manager and copy its URL to use them in your widget. You can also upload new files from this modal.
- Shortcuts helper: A small pop-up that displays useful keyboard shortcuts for the Widget Builder.
- Snippets: Displays a list of snippets available from the Template Builder and copies their code to reference them in the widget.
- Changes: If changes have been saved and not published, it will display this list of all the times saved each file (JS, CSS, and HTML). Clicking on a sub-version changes the contents of the tab to the content of the subversion that was clicked.
To avoid losing any changes you currently have, be sure to save before jumping between save states. This way, you can always return to the most recently saved version in the Changes list.
If you publish a new version of your widget, the Changes list resets and erases all save states. This is because the new editable version now matches the version you just published. Saving new changes adds new save states until the next time you publish.
You can make use of Liquid in the Javascript, CSS, and HTML tabs in the widget builder. For more information check the associated Liquid documentation.
In the properties column you can see:
- Name: Use this field to update the name of your widget.
- Tags: Use this field to add tags to your widget. Tagging a widget makes it easier to search and filter. As your digital channels scale in size and complexity, good tagging helps keep your channel management well organized.
- Pages using this widget: You will see a list of pages that are using this widget. While viewing pages in this listing, you will not be able to download or archive the widget.
If you delete a widget from a page and publish, you'll continue to see that page in this list because the widget is still referenced in the backrests of that page. From version 9.1.10 onward, you can unpublish any published widget, even if it's in use. Active references on pages will be inactive, so you won't see the widget on the site if you unpublished it. In addition, you can archive any widget that is not published, so that if there are still references on some pages of the widget that you want to archive, they will be deleted when the widget is archived.
# Create a Widget
To create a new Widget and have a micro frontend for your sites and posts, follow these steps:
- From the Modyo Platform main menu, expand Channels, and click your Site.
- Click Widgets.
- Click the + New Widget button.
- Enter the name of your widget and click Create.
- Customize your widget using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or Liquid.
- Once finished, click Publish.
Modyo allows you to preview a widget locally and see it styled for your site before publishing it. To do this, check the related documentation (opens new window).
# Widget Variables
In the variables tab you can see the list of variables created in the widget, and their respective actions for:
- Copy the liquid code to use that variable.
- Edit the variable
- Delete the variable.
Next to the name of each variable you will see an "overwritten" indicator if the variable also exists at the account or site level in the global variables.
When modifying a variable, you will be able to decide the name and default value that this variable will take in the widget. In addition, you can decide if you want to make a list of values available so that when a widget is instantiated on a page, it is possible to choose between these different values.
When you use the list of possible values, you must leave each value on a new line, and leave a *
in front of the value you want to be taken as the default.
When you instantiate the widget on a page, you will see all variables being used (whether account, site, or widget) listed as "disabled" with their default value. To overwrite the value of a particular variable for that instance of the widget on that page, select the checkbox to the left of the variable and change its value.
Adding the widget on a page will list all the variables that that widget is using. If you don't see any of the variables that are defined in the widget, it is likely that the variable in the widget code is not being used.
# Synchronous and asynchronous loading
This is an experimental feature and may be subject to changes.
You can decide whether you want to load your widgets synchronously, that is, have your widgets' HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code loaded along with the rest of the page from the server, or asynchronously, so that all the static content of the page will be loaded and once the main document is loaded, the content of your widget will be loaded via JavaScript. By default, all widgets are loaded asynchronously.
To change the way each widget loads, go to the edit view of the page containing the widget, select the widget and check or uncheck the "Sync loading" option.
Keep in mind that using very large widgets synchronously may decrease the performance of your page, therefore you should carefully decide which widgets will load synchronously and which ones will load asynchronously.
# Use Internationalization (i18n)
With i18n you can configure and add new languages to your widgets.
To handle internationalization in the widgets of our experience catalog (opens new window) we use the Vue I18n (opens new window) package installed through the plugin vue-cli-plugin-i18n (opens new window), you can check its documentation here (opens new window). When installing the plugin, it creates a folder for the languages called locals
and a configuration file called i18n.js
├── src/
│ ├── App.vue
│ ├── i18n.js
│ ├── main.js
│ ├── locales/
│ │ ├── en-US.json
│ │ └── es-CL.json
To learn more about internationalization and vue-i18n, see Internationalization with vue-i18n (opens new window) by VueSchool (opens new window)
# Configuration
In the configuration file, you will get the language of the site that you have on the platform. First, initialize the LANG constant in the i18n.js
import Vue from 'vue';
import VueI18n from 'vue-i18n';
const LANG = window.liquid ? window.liquid.lang : 'es-CL';
//... more code
export default new VueI18n({
locale: LANG,
fallbackLocale: 'es-CL',
messages: loadLocaleMessages(),
You must create the variable liquid.lang
in Modyo Platform. To create this variable, follow these steps:
- In your browser, log in to Modyo Platform.
- Expand Channels, and click Sites.
- Click Templates.
- Open the
View in the Views -> Javascript -> theme section. - Paste the following code:
window.liquid = {
lang: '{{@site.language}}' === 'en' ? 'en-US' : 'es-CL'
This code assigns the language to the liquid.lang
variable, depending on the value of @site.language
using Liquid.
# Add a language
To add a new language to the site, we simply create a JSON file in the locales
folder where its name is the code of the language to be added. For example, if we want to add Brazilian Portuguese, add pt-BR.JSON
├── src/
│ ├── locales/
│ │ ├── en-US.json
│ │ ├── pt-BR.json <-- new language
│ │ └── es-CL.json
The structure of the language file must be a json object:
# Form validation
In order to locate the error messages that the validator shows, you need to make a small modification to the i18n.js configuration file.
- Import error messages into the needed languages.
- In the LoadLocaleMessages function, add the validator messages in the corresponding language.
- Return the modified messages object.
import esCL from 'vee-validate/dist/locale/es-CL.json';
import enUS from 'vee-validate/dist/locale/en-US.json';
import ptBR from 'vee-validate/dist/locale/pt-BR.json';
function loadLocaleMessages() {
const locales = require.context('./locales', true, /[A-Za-z0-9-_,\s]+\.json$/i);
const messages = {};
locales.keys().forEach((key) => {...});
messages['es-CL'] = {
validations: esCL.messages,
messages['en-US'] = {
validations: enUS.messages,
messages['pt-BR'] = {
validations: ptBR.messages,
return messages;
# Using Liquid in Widgets
Create a javascript object in Snippets so that you can use Liquid in your Widgets.
Widgets, since they are decoupled from the platform, have the disadvantage of not being able to use Liquid directly, and we don't have access to liquid drops, in order to work with them, you'll have to make them available via javascript from the platform. Liquid Markup is an important part of the platform, of how we build views, and how we access the content on it. It also gives you access to drops, context variables that allow you to interact with your views more dynamically. For example, you can determine what content to show the user according to the segment to which they belong, hide a menu depending on the page being visited, and so on.
Follow these steps to create a snippet with Liquid variables:
In the platform's side menu, expand Channels, and click Sites.
Click on your site.
In your site menu, click Templates and select Snippets.
Add a new Custom Snippet. For this example, we named the snippet
, but it can have any name.Open the javascript section and paste the code:
window.liquid = {
lang: '{{@site.language}}' === 'en' ? 'en-US' : 'es-CL',
request: {
path: "{{request.path}}",
In this snippet, we created an object called liquid with the scope of window
that contains the language and the request path of the site. From our Widget we can now access this data using the object created in the previous step. For example, if you want to get the site's languages from the Widget, you can do it with:
const languages = window.liquid.lang;
In development mode we won't have access to this object since we're working locally, so the recommendation is to assign default values when defining these variables locally.
In the following example, const lang takes the value of window.liquid.lang, if the object doesn't exist, it assigns the default value “es-CL”:
const lang = window.liquid !== "undefined" ? window.liquid.lang : "es-CL";
# Inserting an image with Liquid
Modyo recommends using the Liquid tag and not the asset URL to insert images into your content. This allows you to resize or replace an image everywhere it's in use and ensure that any changes are immediately reflected.
In addition, Modyo converts the image to webp format with lossless compression quality. This results in more lightweight images, with shorter loading times, and without loss of quality.
# To get the Liquid code from an image:
- Click on the media icon above your work area
- Click on the image.
- Click on the copy icon, next to the Liquid tag in the image.
# To replace an image, follow these steps:
- Click on content.
- Select the space where the image you want to modify is located.
- Click on media.
- Select the image you want to replace.
- Click on the upload image icon above the current image.
- Select the new image.
- Click on update information.
Your account's CDN needs to be in the cloud for changes to be reflected immediately, otherwise you'll need to request cache validation via a ticket to Modyo (opens new window).
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