# Examples

In any part of Channels (Sites, Widgets, and Templates) you can use Liquid to create dynamic content. Below, we will show several examples that you can use for your use cases.

# Display list of Entries of a Type

In Content Pages you can generate a list of all Entries of a Type. In this case, we take all the Entries of the product Type in the My Bank Space. The variable entries on line 1 gets an array of the drop Entry. This array is traversed to display the meta.uuid and meta.title of each Entry by line.

{% assign entries = spaces['my-bank'].types['product'].entries %}
{% for entry in entries %}
  <li>{{ entry.meta.uuid }} -- {{ entry.meta.title }}</li>
{% endfor %}

In order to use these examples on your site, you must replace the Space and Type ID with your information. These IDs can be found as your Space ID, and your Content Type ID.

In the case of a single cardinality entry (in this example it is a privacy notice), you can use entry to display the URL as follows:

Visit our <a href="{{ spaces['my-bank'].types['privacy'].entry.url }}">Privacy Policy</a>.

# Display total number of Entries

To access the total number of entries returned by a content filter, you can use Liquid's entries.size filter, for example:

{% assign entries = spaces['my-bank'].types['products'].entries %}
<p>You have a total of {{ entries.size }} products!</p>

# Filters

If you want to filter the entries, you can do it through the following attributes:

  • by_uuid
  • by_slug
  • by_category
  • by_type
  • by_tag
  • by_lang
  • filter_by

All filters must receive an array of Entries and it is possible to concatenate multiple filters.

# Filter

In the following example, we filter the Entries of type post, with category news. Then we take the result and display all the Entries of type news:

{% assign entries = spaces['my-bank'].types['post'].entries | by_category: 'news' %}
{% for entry in entries %}
<li><a href="entry.url">{{ entry.meta.title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}    

# Concatenated filter

In the following example, we filter posts of type post, with category news, which also have the tag campaign. Then we take the result and display the news that meets all the criteria:

{% assign entries = spaces['my-bank'].types['post'].entries | by_category: 'news' | by_tag: 'campaign' %}
<p>News for you!</p>
{% for entry in entries %}
<li><a href="entry.url">{{ entry.meta.title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}    

# Filter_by

In the case of the filter_by filter, it must be used for meta attributes or custom fields of the Content Type, for example:

{% assign entries = spaces['space_uid'].types['type_uid'].entries | filter_by: field: 'field_name' | sort_by: 'fields.date' , 'desc' | limit 8 %}
{% for entry in entries %}
  entry: {{ entry.meta.uuid }} -- {{ entry.meta.title }}<br />
{% endfor %}

If you want to negate the value of a filter, you can use not inside the filter:

{% assign entries = spaces['space_uid'].types['type_uid'].entries | filter_by: field: 'field_name', not: nil %}
{% for entry in entries %}
  entry: {{ entry.meta.uuid }} -- {{ entry.meta.title }}<br />
{% endfor %}

Selecting entries will always return an array, it is necessary to iterate over the result or accessing the first element, in the case of filtering by a unique uuid:

{% assign entries = spaces['space_uid'].types['type_uid'].entries | by_uuid: 'entry_uuid' %}
{% assign entry = entries.first %}

You can paginate the entries using the filter paginated and display the pagination links with the filter pagination_links, for example:

{% assign entries = spaces['space_uid'].types['type_uid'].entries | paginated: 10 %}
  {% for entry in entries %}
  <li>{{ entry.meta.slug }}</li>
  {% endfor %}
{{ entries | pagination_links }}

In the previous case, the entries will be paginated with 10 elements per page and the pagination links will appear at the end. You can navigate each page using the parameter GET page in the URL, for example: my-page.com/landing?page=2.


Keep in mind that if you have more than one widget that uses pagination in the content, using the parameters GET per_page and page in the URL, every widget with pagination will be affected.


To use pagination in a custom widget, you must change the filter associate to the pagination to {{ entries | pagination_links_remote }}. This is required because custom widgets are loaded asynchronously. With this and the previous change, you must ensure that JQuery is available in the site and while using pagination links, only the HTML will be modified in the widget, the JavaScript code won't be executed again.

# Order

In the same way that you can filter by category by_category, tags by_tags and by uuid by_uuid, you can create a filter to order the results by meta attributes name, slug, created_at, updated_at, and published_at of the entries using the filter sort_by, in the following way:

{% assign entries = spaces['space_uid'].types['type_uid'].entries | sort_by: 'published_at','asc' %}

The possible values for the order are asc and desc, by default, desc is used. Possible values for sort_by are: name, published_at, created_at, updated_at, slug, and field.

To sort by a custom field, you must use the field's fields.uid as a parameter:

{% assign entries = spaces['space_uid'].types['type_uid'].entries | filter_by: field: 'field_name', eq: 'value_to_filter' | sort_by: 'fields.date' , 'desc' | limit 8 %}
{% for entry in entries %}
  entry: {{ entry.meta.uuid }} -- {{ entry.meta.title }}<br />
{% endfor %}

# Geolocalization

For entries with location fields you can easily generate maps with the static_map and dynamic_map filters, these use Google Maps Static API and Google Maps Javascript API respectively. The following example generates maps for the Locations field with a size of 600x300 px, a level 5 zoom, with a map type 'roadmap' and with a custom icon.

{{ entry.fields.['Locations'] | static_map: '600x300',5,'roadmap','https://goo.gl/5y3S82'}}

The dynamic_map filter accepts an additional attribute to control the visibility of the zoom, drag and full screen controls.

{{ entry.fields['Locations'] | dynamic_map: '600x300',5,'roadmap','https://goo.gl/5y3S82',true}}


To use input attributes, you can use dot or square bracket notation, so {{ entry.meta.slug }}, returns the same value as {{ entry.meta['slug'] }}, and if you have a field called location, you can use it as {{ entry.fields.location }}, or {{ entry.fields['location'] }}