# Filters

Output markup can take filters, which modify the result of the output statement. You can invoke filters by following the output statement's main expression with:

  • A pipe character (|)
  • The name of the filter
  • Optionally, a colon (:) and a comma-separated list of additional parameters to the filter. Each additional parameter must be a valid expression, and each filter pre-defines the parameters it accepts and the order in which they must be passed.

Filters can also be chained together by adding additional filter statements (starting with another pipe character). The output of the previous filter will be the input for the next one.

Hello {{ 'tobi' | upcase }}
Hello tobi has {{ 'tobi' | size }} letters!
Hello {{ '*tobi*' | textilize | upcase }}
Hello {{ 'now' | date: "%Y %h" }}

A filter is a Ruby method that takes one or more parameters and returns a value. Parameters are passed to filters by position: the first parameter is the expression preceding the pipe character, and additional parameters can be passed using the name: arg1, arg2 syntax described above.

# Append

Adds a string e.g. {{ 'foo' | append:'bar' }} #=> 'foobar'

# Capitalize

Capitalize the word in the input sentence.

# Ceiling

Rounds up a decimal number to the next integer, e.g. {{ 4.6 | ceil }} #=> 5

# Date

Format a date (syntax reference (opens new window))

# Default

Returns the given variable unless it is null or empty string, then it returns the given value, e.g. {{ undefined_variable | default: "Default value" }} #=> "Default value"

# Divided by

Integer division e.g. {{10 | divided_by:3}} #=> 3

# Downcase

Converts an input string to lowercase.

# Escape eleven

Returns an escape version of html without affecting existing escape entities.

# Escape

HTML escape to a string.

# First

Gets the first element of the passed array.

# Floor

Rounds a decimal number down to the nearest integer, e.g. {{ 4.6 | floor }} #=> 4

# Format Date

Formats a date with the location of the site, uses the same syntax as date.

# Join

Joins array elements with a certain character between them.

# Last

Get the last element of the passed array.

# Lstrip

Removes all blanks from the beginning of a string.

# Map

Maps/collects an array into a given property.

# Minus

Remains e.g. {{4 | minus:2}} #=> 2

# Module

e.g. module {{3 | module:2}} #=> 1

# Newline to br

Replace each newline with HTML space.

# Plus

Sums e.g. {{'1' | plus: '1'}} #=> 2, {{1 | plus:1}} #=> 2

# Prepend

Prepends a string e.g. {{ 'bar' | prepend:'foo' }} #=> 'foobar'

# Remove First

Removes the first occurrence e.g. {{ 'barbar' | remove_first:'bar' }} #=> 'bar'.

# Remove

Removes all occurrences e.g. {{ 'foobarfoobar' | remove:'foo' }} #=> 'barbar'.

# Replace First

Replaces the first occurrence e.g. {{ 'barbar' | replace_first:'bar','foo' }} #=> 'foobar'.

# Replace

Replace all occurrences e.g. {{ 'foofoo' | replace:'foo','bar' }} #=> 'barbar'.

# Reverse

Inverts the given array.

# Round

Rounds to the nearest whole number or to the specified number of decimal places e.g. {{ 4.5612 | round: 2 }} #=> 4.56.

# Rstrip

Removes all whitespace from the end of a string

# Script Tag

Generates the HTML <script> for a JavaScript template, taking as parameters the URL and attributes of the form attr: 'value', e.g. {{ 'my-js-url' | script_tag: async: 'async', defer: 'defer' }} => <script src='my-js-url' type='text/javascript' async='async' defer='defer'>.

# Size

Return the size of an array or string

# Slice

Split a string. The inputs are an offset and a length, e.g. {{ "hello" | slice: -3, 3 }} #=> llo

# Sort

Sort array elements

# Split

Split a string into a matching pattern e.g. {{ "a~b" | split:"~" }} #=> ['a','b'].

# Times

Multiply e.g {{ 5 | times:4 }} #=> 20.

# Truncate

Restricts a string to x characters. It also accepts a second parameter to be appended to the string e.g. {{ 'foobarfoobar' | truncate: 5, '.' }} #=> 'foob.'.

# Truncatewords

Restrict a string to x words

# Uniq

Removes duplicate elements from an array, optionally using a given property to check for uniqueness.

# Upcase

Converts an input string to uppercase

# URL Encode

Encodes a string to URL

# Commerce

These are the liquid filters that alter values related to Trade.

# Format Currency

Adds currency format to a value. e.g. {{4 | format_currency}} => $4

{{ 1890.5123 | format_currency: unit: '¥', separator: ',', delimiter: '.', precision: 3 }} = ¥1.890,512


This filter determines the format of the currency and takes precedence over any other currency settings.

If you don't specify currency parameters with the currency filter, Modyo uses the realm's [payment] (/en/platform/customers/settings.html#payment-settings) settings.

If the site does not have a realm associated to it, and you don't specify parameters, the predefined format of the site's language will be applied.


  • unit - currency symbol.
  • separator - decimal separator.
  • delimiter - separator of thousands.
  • precision - number of decimal digits.

# Content

These are the liquid filters that alter values related to the Content module in Modyo Platform.

# Asset Image

Returns the tags of an image using its uuid from the File Manager. e.g. {{ uuid | asset_image }}

Returns the URL of an image using its File Manager uuid. e.g. {{ uuid | asset_link: 'Este es una liga para el asset' }}

# Asset URL by UUID

Returns the URL of an image using its File Manager uuid. e.g. {{ uuid | asset_url_by_uuid }}

# Asset Video

Returns the tags of a video using its uuid from the File Manager. e.g. {{ uuid | asset_video: 350, 300 }}


  • uuid (String) - asset uuid
  • width (Integer) (default: 300) - width
  • height (Integer) (default: 200) - length

# By Category

Returns a list of Entries belonging to the selected Category. e.g. {% assign filtered_entries = entries | by_category: 'category2,category1,category3' %}


  • entries (ArrayEntry) - array with entries
  • list (String) (default: '') - String with comma separated categories.

# By Lang

Returns a list of Entries belonging to a selected language. e.g. {% assign entries = widget.entries | locale: 'es,en,pt' %} => entries


  • entries (ArrayEntry) - array with entries
  • locale (String) (default: '') - String with comma-separated languages.

# By Slug

Returns a list of Entries belonging to a selected slug. e.g. {% assign filtered_entries = entries | by_slug: 'slug2,slug1,slug' %}


  • entries (ArrayEntry) - array with entries
  • slug (String) (default: '') - Slug separated by comma.

# By Tag

Returns a list of Entries belonging to a selected tag. e.g. {% assign entries = widget.entries | by_tag: 'tag2,tag1,tag3' %} => entries.


  • entries (ArrayEntry) - array with entries
  • locale (String) (default: '') - String with tags separated by comma.

# By Type

Returns a list of Entries belonging to a selected Content Type. e.g. {% assign filtered_entries = entries | by_type: 'type2,type1,type3' %}


  • entries (ArrayEntry) - array with entries
  • locale (String) (default: '') - String with comma-separated content types.

# Filter By

Returns a list of Entries that match a filter. e.g. {% assign entries = widget.entries | filter_by: field: 'name', eq: 'entry3Cat3' %}


  • entries (ArrayEntry) - array with entries
  • opts (Hash) (default: {}) - hash with field and eq as value

# Filter By Query String

Returns a list of Entries that meet a query. You can use logical operators, various meta fields, URLs, or Liquid tags.


  • gt, lt, in, all, nin


  • meta.category meta.category_slug meta.category_name meta.uuid meta.name meta.name meta.created_at meta.updated_at meta.published_at meta.unpublished_at meta.slug meta.tag

Url examples:

  • https://company.site.com/testsite?meta.category_slug=category3
  • https://company.site.com/testsite?meta.tag=tag_name
  • https://company.site.com/testsite?meta.tag[in][]=tag1_name&meta.tag[in][]=tag2_name
  • https://company.site.com/testsite?meta.created_at=1987-11-19T13:13:13

e.g. {% assign entries = widget.entries | filter_by_query_string %}


  • entries (ArrayEntry) - array with entries

# From Published Date

Returns a list of Entries that have a publication date more recent than the limit. e.g. {% assign entries = widgets.entries | from_published_date: date %}


  • entries (ArrayEntry) - array with entries
  • date (Datetime)(default: Time.zone.now) - deadline date

# Limit

Limits the number of results. e.g. {{ entries | limit: 1 }}


  • object(Array) - array
  • limit (Integer)(default: 1) - limit of results

# Paginated

Separates the results into pages. e.g. {{ objects | paginated: 10, 2 }}


  • object(Array) - array
  • per_page (Integer) (default: 10) — objects per page
  • page (Integer) (default: 1) - page number to display

# Sort By

Return an array with the entries ordered by a filed e.g. {% assign entries = widgets.entries | sort_by: 'name', 'asc'%}


  • entries (ArrayEntry) - array with entries
  • attribute (String) — field by which you want to sort
  • order (String) - asc (ascending) or desc (descending)

# To Published Date

Returns a list of Entries that have a publication date older than the limit. e.g. {% assign entries = widgets.entries | to_published_date: date %}


  • entries (ArrayEntry) - array with entries
  • date (Datetime)(default: Time.zone.now) - deadline date

# Crypto

These are liquid filters that alter values related to Cryptology.

# Base64 Decode

Returns the Base64-decoded value of a string e.g. {% 'Hello world' | base64_encode%} # => 'sgvsbg8gd29ybgq='.

# Base64 Encode

Returns the Base64-encoded value of a string e.g. {% 'SgvsbG8gd29yBgQ=' | base64_decode%} # => 'Hello world'.


Returns the SHA-1 hash using a message authentication code (HMAC) from a string. e.g. {% 'Hello world' | hmac_sha1: 'key'%} # => '2a73959742baf046e6e2e27e5ee94bcff0af31b1'


Returns the SHA-256 hash using a message authentication code (HMAC) from a string. e.g. {% 'Hello world' | hmac_sha256: 'key' %} # => 'a82b2e160edaf92a6589dc11160d2a10c04449840a58717db308c1ee3512b039'

# MD5

Returns the MD5 hash of a string. e.g. {% 'Hello World' | md5%} # => '3e25960a79dbc69b674cd4ec67a72c62'

# SHA1

Returns the SHA-1 hash of a string. e.g. {% 'Hello world' | sha1 %} # => '7b502c3a1f48c8609ae212cdfb639dee39673f5e'.

# SHA 256

Returns the SHA-256 hash of a string. e.g. {% 'Hello world' | sha256 %} # => '64ec8888ca00b268e5ba1a35678a1b5316d212f4f366b2477232534a8aeca37f3c'


These are the liquid filters that alter CSS-related values in Modyo Platform.

# Brighten

Adds sparkle to a color. e.g. {{ '#00ff00' | brighten: 15 }} #=> '#26ff26'

# Darken

Reduces brightness to a color. e.g. {{ '#00ff00' | darken: 15 }} #=> '#00b300'

# Desaturate

Desaturates a color. e.g. {{ '#00ff00' | desaturate: 15 }} #=> '#13ec13'

# Grayscale

Converts a color to grayscale. e.g. {{ '#00ff00' | grayscale }} #=> '#808080'

# Lighten

Lightens a color. e.g. {{ '#00ff00' | lighten: 15 }} #=> '#4dff4d'

# Opacity

Modifies the opacity of a color. e.g. {{ '#00ff00' | opacity: 0.5 }} #=> 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5)'


Transforms a color to its RGB equivalent. e.g. {{ '#00ff00' | rgb }} #=> 'rgb(0, 255, 0)'

# Saturate

Saturates a color. e.g. {{ '#00ff00' | saturate: 15 }} #=> '#00ff00'

# Spin

Rotate clockwise one color. {{ '#00ff00' | spin: 15 }} #=> 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5)'

# Location

These are the liquid filters that alter values related to Geolocation in Modyo Platform.

# Dynamic Map

Returns a dynamic map from Google Maps. e.g. {{ locations | dynamic_map: '600x300', 'true', 'roadmap', true}}


  • locations (ArrayHash) - Array of hashes with latitude and longitude points.
  • size (String) (default: '600x300') - Size of the map in pixels
  • zoom (String) (default: 10) - Zoom level for the map
  • type (String) (default: 'roadmap') - Type of map
  • icon (String) (default: '') - Icon for the map
  • controls (String) (default: true) - Navigation controls for the map

# Static Map

Returns a static map from Google Maps. e.g. {{ locations | static_map: '600x300', 'true', 'roadmap'}}


  • locations (ArrayHash) - Array of hashes with latitude and longitude points.
  • size (String) (default: '600x300') - Size of the map in pixels
  • zoom (String) (default: 10) - Zoom level for the map
  • type (String) (default: 'roadmap') - Type of map
  • icon (String) (default: '') - Icon for the map

These are the liquid filters that alter values related to menu items in Modyo Platform.

# Active Page

Determines if a URL item is active. Returns 'active' when active. e.g. {{ 'company.modyo.com/jobs' | active_page: 'company.modyo.com/jobs' }} #=> 'active'

# Item Rel

Returns 'noopener noreferrer' if a link is "_blank". e.g. {{ '_blank' | item_rel }} #=> 'noopener noreferrer'.

# Resolve URL

Resolves the URL of a path and base URL. e.g. {{ 'dynamic_bank' | resolve_url: 'company.modyo.com' }} #=> 'company.modyo.com/dynamic_bank'.

# Visible Items

Returns a list of visible items in a list of items. e.g. {{ items | visible_items }}

# Site

These are the liquid filters that alter values related to Sites in Modyo Platform.

# Asset Image Tag

Generates the HTML tag of an image. e.g. {{ asset | asset_image_tag: 'original' }}

Generates the HTML thumbnail tag of an image. e.g. {{ asset | asset_thumbnail_link_tag: 'class', 'target' }}


  • asset (Asset) — Asset-type object
  • classes (String) (default: '') - additional HTML classes (optional)
  • target (String) (default: '') - additional HTML targets (optional)

# Asset URL

Generates the URL of an Asset-type object. e.g. {{ {{ asset | asset_url: 'original' }}

# Audio Player

Generates the URL of an Audio-type object. e.g. {{ {{ audio1 | audio_player }}

# Bar Code

Generates the URL of a barcode. e.g. {{ value | bar_code: 320, 320 }}


  • value (String) - Value of the bar code
  • width (Integer) (default: 100) - Width
  • height (Integer) (default: 100) - Height

# Button To

Generate a button. e.g. {{ 'Hello World' | button_to: 'http://www.google.com' }}

Returns the value of a cookie. e.g. {{ 32 | cookie_value }}

# Embedded Video

Return the URL of an embedded video. e.g. {{ movie2 | embedded_video }}

# Escape JS

Avoids interpreting JavaScript code. e.g. {{ '<script>alert("hello world");</script>' | escape_js }}

# Format Date

Translates a date to another format. e.g. {{ time | format_date: '%e %b, %Y' }}


  • time (DateTime) - Date
  • format_date (String) (default: '') - The new format for the date

# Format DateTime

Translates a date to DateTime format. e.g. {{ time | format_datetime }}

# Format Short Date

Translates a date to a reduced format. dd-mm-yyyy e.g. {{ time | format_short_date }}

# Asset Image Tag

Returns the tag of an image. e.g. {{ url | asset_image_tag }}

Adds an anchor link tag. e.g. {{ 'Hello World' | link_to: 'http://www.google.com', 'this is my alt', 'small', '_blank' }}


  • text (String) (default: '') - link text
  • link (String) (default: '/') - link url
  • alt (String) (default: '') - link alt
  • class (String) (default: '') - link class
  • target (String) (default: '') - link target

# Notifications

Deploys the flash message variable. e.g. {{ 'alert-error' | notifications }}

# Primary button to

Generates a primary type button. e.g. {{ 'Hello World' | primary_button_to: 'http://www.google.com', 'large' }}


  • text (String) (default: '') - link text
  • link (String) (default: '/') - link url
  • size (String) (default: 'large') - link size

# QR Code

Generates a qr code. e.g {{ value | qr_code: 4, 320, 320 }}


  • value (String) (default: '') - qr value
  • qr_size (Integer) (default: 4) - qr size
  • width (Integer) (default: 100) - qr width
  • height (Integer) (default: 100) - qr length

# Sanitize HTML

Sanitizes the HTML tags in a String. e.g. {{ '<script>Hello World</script>' | sanitize }} #=> 'Hello World'

# Script Tag

Adds a script tag. e.g. {{ 'test-script' | script_tag }}

Adds a search engine field. e.g. {{ 'testsite' | search_box }}

# Strftime

Converts a datetime to String format. e.g. {{ time | strftime: '%m/%d/%y' }}

# Strip tag

Removes all HTML tags and their content from a String. e.g. {{ '<script>Hello World</script>' | strip_tags }} #=> ""

# Stylesheet Tag

Generates the HTML tag <link>for a CSS template, taking as parameters the URL and attributes of the form attr: 'value', e.g. {{ 'my-css-url' | stylesheet_tag: media: 'screen', title: 'color style' }} => <link href='my-css-url' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen' title='color style' />

# Javascript Theme

Adds a theme tag in Javascript. e.g. {{ 'home-page-javascript' | theme_javascript }}

# Stylesheet Theme

Adds a theme tag in CSS. e.g. {{ 'home-page-stylesheet' | theme_stylesheet }}

# Time Ago in Words

Converts a date in String to words. e.g. {{ '01-02-2019' | time_ago_in_words }} #=> 'over 3 years'

# Translate

Solves the translation text for Site keys. Custom values will be returned if they exist. e.g. {{ 'admin.logs.errors.no_logs_yet' | translate }}

# Truncate HTML

Returns a String after truncating it. e.g. {{ html | truncate_html: 10 }}

# Video Player

Adds a video player in HTML code using a File Manager asset. e.g. {{ movie1 | video_player: 320, 320 }}


  • video (Asset) - Video type object in the File Manager
  • width (Integer) - video width
  • height (Integer) - video length

# User

These are the liquid filters that alter values related to Users.

# Image For

Deploys the HTML code for a user's image. e.g. {{ user | avatar_for: 'C50x50', true }}


  • user - User object
  • size (Integer) (default: 'C50x50') - Image size
  • link (Boolean) (default: true) - True adds a link to the user's profile.

# Default Avatar Image

Displays the default avatar image. e.g. {{ user | avatar_for: 'C50x50' }}


  • user - User object
  • size (Integer) (default: 'C50x50') - Image size

# Widget

These are the liquid filters that alter values related to Widgets.

# Entry Limit

Determines the entry limit for a widget. e.g. {{ widget1 | entry_limit }}

# Resolve Home Widget List

Returns a list of all the widgets that belong to a Site. e.g. {{ site | resolve_home_widget_list }}

# Resolve Me Widget List

Returns a list of all the widgets that belong to a “me” page. e.g. {{ site | resolve_me_widget_list }}

# Resolve Widget List

Returns a list of all the widgets that belong to a page. e.g. {{ site | resolve_widget_list: page }}


  • site (Site) - Object of type Site
  • page (Page) - Object of type Page