# Drops

Also known as Liquid Objects or Variables, Modyo has drops available for different contexts within Modyo Platform to send information to be called dynamically. You can find drops for account contexts, content, channels, and customers.

# Account

Account drops are mainly used in the context of account authentication, which means that they can be called from anywhere as they are considered global in scale. The available attributes are:

Description Example
account.url The Modyo Platform URL, including the protocol and sub-domain. https://test.miModyo.com
account.host The name of the Modyo Platform sub-domain. test
account.google_key If there is authentication with Google, display the credential key, otherwise display empty (void). AIzaSyDmrYmbFpzqdIxHycHbgtJrs9lhKOfggEE

# Administrator

Account administrators are those users with privileges to make changes at the Account level in addition to changes to the Spaces or Sites configuration.

Description Example
adminuser.avatar Asset type object for the administrator's avatar.
adminuser.email Administrator email. john.doe@modyo.com
adminuser.first_name Name of the administrator. John
adminuser.last_name Last name of the administrator. Doe
adminuser.name Full name of the administrator. John Doe

# Asset

Object of type asset. Contains the information relevant to a file within the Asset Manager.

Description Example
asset.data_file_name The name of the asset. photo.jpg
asset.description The description of the file if one has been configured. Plato uses this allegory to explain what it is like for the philosopher and teacher to guide people to knowledge
asset.title The title associated with the asset. Photo
asset.uuid The uuid of the asset. 7b1b3f82-c9f5-4c51-87dc-b93fc9918c9c
asset.alt The alt associated with the asset if one has been configured. The Myth of Plato's Cavern
asset.alt_text The alt associated with the asset if one has been configured. The Myth of Plato's Cavern
asset.content_type The content type associated with the asset. image/jpeg
asset.name The name assigned to the asset. photo.jpg
asset.size The size (in bytes) of the uploaded file. 20959
asset.thumbnail_url The URL of the asset's thumbnail. /Uploads/7b1b3f82-c9f5-4c51-87dc-b93fc9918c9c/c50x50/photo.jpg
asset.url The URL where the asset is located. /Uploads/7b1b3f82-c9f5-4c51-87dc-b93fc9918c9c/original/foto.jpg

# Audio

The Audio drop is a subclass that inherits the same attributes as Asset. You can use audio_asset and replace it instead of asset.

The following attributes are inherited from Asset:

.data_file_name, .description, .title, .uuid, .alt, .alt_text, .content_type, .name, .size, .thumbnail_url, .url

# Asset

The File drop is a subclass that inherits the same attributes as Asset. You can use file_asset and replace it instead of asset.

The following attributes are inherited from Asset:

.data_file_name, .description, .title, .uuid, .alt, .alt_text, .content_type, .name, .size, .thumbnail_url, .url

Description Example
file_asset.url The URL of the file. /Uploads/8de5a204-74e6-4d6b-a319-6f7896c09135/original/platon.csv
file_asset.thumbnail_url The URL of the file's thumb. /Uploads/7b1b3f82-c9f5-4c51-87dc-b93fc9918c9c/c50x50/platon.jpg
file_asset.image_thumbnail_url The URL of the file. /Uploads/8de5a204-74e6-4d6b-a319-6f7896c09135/c200x200/cave.csv
file_asset.is_image? Boolean to know if the file is an image. false
file_asset.is_video? Boolean to know if the file is video. false
file_asset.is_audio? Boolean to know if the file is audio. false
file_asset.is_pdf? Boolean to know if the file is a PDF. false
file_asset.is_another? Boolean to know if the file is of another unspecified type. false
file_asset.temp_url The temporary URL of the file. /var/folders/vm/fk9_xg_d7qs8xbxj28csw1000000gp/T/e8ca0956-a576-43c0-9f37-2be39cf9660120210602-6475-1lvfh9t

# Video

The Video drop is a subclass that inherits the same attributes as Asset. You can use video_asset and replace it instead of asset.

Description Example
video_asset.url The URL of the video. /Uploads/8de5a204-74e6-4d6b-a319-6f7896c09135/original/caverna.webm
video_asset.thumbnail_url The video thumbnail URL. /Uploads/7b1b3f82-c9f5-4c51-87dc-b93fc9918c9c/c50x50/platon.jpg

# Category

Object of the category type (Tag). Contains information pertinent to the categories of an entry.

Description Example
category.id Category ID. 12345
category.slug Category slug. category-1
category.name Name of the category. Category 1
category.url Canonical URL of the category. /category-1
category.children An array of category-type objects with all the children in the category.
category.parent The category type object corresponding to the parent of the category.
category.siblings Array of category-type objects with all the siblings in the category.

# Entry

Create dynamic content in your spaces using Entries. In this object you have access to all information relevant to the entries. The available attributes are:

Description Example
entry.space The name of the space associated with the entry. space1
entry.category The category path for this entry. category-1/category-2
entry.category_name The category name for this entry. category 2
entry.category_slug This entry's category slug. category-2
entry.type The type of the entry. type2
entry.type_uid The unique id of the entry type. type2
entry.tags String arrangement for the tags in this entry. tag1, tag2
entry.excerpt The excerpt associated with the entry. This is the excerpt of a very cool entry
entry.account_url The account url. https://test.miModyo.com
entry.url Canonical URL of the entry. https://test.miModyo.com/entry
entry.author The object of the user who wrote the post. tag1, tag2
entry.meta The metadata object for the entry. This object has the following attributes: uuid, published_at, locale, slug, created_at, updated_at, unpublished_at, and private.
entry.fields Array with objects from the fields in the entry.

# Field

Displays all the information of an entry fields.

Description Example
field.name Custom field name. Field1
field.type Name of the type associated with the field. Type1

# Form

These drops allow you to get information through Liquid from a form in the Customers module.

Description Example
form.slug The form slug. the-new-form

# Alternative

Description Example
alternative.id The id of the alternative. The first question
alternative.question Question type object.

# Answer

Description Example
answer.edit_url The editing URL for the response. "https://test.miModyo.com/forms/new-form/edit_answer?question_id=3&answer_id=8"
answer.id The id of the answer. 5
answer.question Question type object associated with the answer.
answer.response Response type object associated with the response.
answer.text_field Text field associated with the answer. This is the answer in the text field
answer.type The type of response. text_answer

# Response

Description Example
form_response.description Form description. This form is the new user form
form_response.name Form name. The new form
form_response.questions Fix the questions in the form. [{"title"=>” What is your job title?” , “type"=>"textquestion”, “Answer"=>"software developer"}]

# Question

These drops allow you to obtain information through Liquid for questions on a form in the Customers module.

Description Example
question.allow_alternatives? Boolean to check if the question accepts alternatives. false
question.alternatives Array with alternatives type objects.
question.allow_alternatives? Boolean to check if the question accepts alternatives. false
question.form Form-type object.
question.id Returns the question id. 3
question.label The label of the question. The first question

# Grid

The definition contains a Grid on a Page.

Description Example
grid.id The id of the grid. 508
grid.cache_key The cache key associated with the grid. layouts/grids/full_grids/508
grid.resolve_type The type of the grid with underscore. full_grid

# Full Grid

Extends the functionality of the drop Grid and additionally contains the following attributes:

Description Example
full_grid.main_widgets Array of widget-type objects.

# Full Three Column Grid

Extends the functionality of the drop Grid and additionally contains the following attributes:

Description Example
full_three_cols_grid.main_widgets Array of widget-type objects.
full_three_cols_grid.col1_widgets Array of widget-type objects.
full_three_cols_grid.col2_widgets Array of widget-type objects.
full_three_cols_grid.col3_widgets Array of widget-type objects.
side_right_three_cols_grid.main_widgets Array of widget-type objects.

# Full Two Col Grid

Extends the functionality of the drop Grid and additionally contains the following attributes:

Description Example
full_two_cols_grid.main_widgets Array of widget-type objects.
full_two_cols_grid.col1_widgets Array of widget-type objects.
full_two_cols_grid.col2_widgets Array of widget-type objects.

# Side Left Grid

Extends the functionality of the drop Grid and additionally contains the following attributes:

Description Example
side_left_grid.main_widgets Array of widget-type objects.
side_left_grid.side_left_widgets Array of widget-type objects.

# Side Left One Col Grid

Extends the functionality of the drop Grid and additionally contains the following attributes:

Description Example
side_left_one_col_grid.main_widgets Array of widget-type objects.
side_left_one_col_grid.side_left_widgets Array of widget-type objects.
side_left_one_col_grid.full_widgets Array of widget-type objects.

# Side Left Three Col Grid

Extends the functionality of the drop Grid and additionally contains the following attributes:

Description Example
side_left_three_cols_grid.main_widgets Array of widget-type objects.
side_left_three_cols_grid.side_left_widgets Array of widget-type objects.
side_left_three_cols_grid.col1_widgets Array of widget-type objects.
side_left_three_cols_grid.col1_widgets Array of widget-type objects.
side_left_three_cols_grid.col2_widgets Array of widget-type objects.
side_left_three_cols_grid.col3_widgets Array of widget-type objects.

# Side Right Grid

Extends the functionality of the drop Grid and additionally contains the following attributes:

Description Example
side_right_grid.main_widgets Array of widget-type objects.
side_right_grid.side_right_widgets Array of widget-type objects.

# Side Right One Col Grid

Extends the functionality of the drop Grid and additionally contains the following attributes:

Description Example
side_right_one_col_grid.main_widgets Array of widget-type objects.
side_right_one_col_grid.side_right_widgets Array of widget-type objects.
side_right_one_col_grid.full_widgets Array of widget-type objects.

# Side Right Three Col Grid

Extends the functionality of the drop Grid and additionally contains the following attributes:

Description Example
side_right_three_cols_grid.side_right_widgets Array of widget-type objects.
side_right_three_cols_grid.col1_widgets Array of widget-type objects.
side_right_three_cols_grid.col2_widgets Array of widget-type objects.
side_right_three_cols_grid.col3_widgets Array of widget-type objects.

# Location

Object of the type location. It contains the information pertinent to a geolocation point.

Description Example
location.location_street Name of the location as it appears on Google Maps. Main street 3883
location.latitude Latitude of the Google Maps point. -33.3982607
location.longitude Length of the Google Maps point. -70.6003616

Object of type Menu. Contains the information for the items of a menu.

Description Example
menu.items Array of objects of type menu_items associated with this menu.
Description Example
menu_item.category The category associated with the item menu. home
menu_item.child_items Array of the child item objects of the current item.
menu_item.classes CSS classes associated with this item. mdi, mdi-circle
menu_item.description The description for this item.
menu_item.label The label of the item menu. Home
menu_item.parameterized_label The parameterized label associated with the menu item. home
menu_item.position The position associated with the menu item starting from 0 as the first position. 0
menu_item.url The URL associated with the menu item. https://test.miModyo.com/newsite/

# Notification

These drops allow you to obtain information through Liquid for notifications in the Customers module.

Description Example
notification.opened Boolean if the notification was opened or not. true
notification.sent_at The date the notification was sent. 2012-11-16 00:46:40
notification.body The body of the notification. mdi, mdi-circle
menu_item.description The description for this item. <p>This is a test message in campaigns via notifications

notification.subject The subject of the notification. Modyo Developers Update
notification.url The URL of the notification. https://test.myModyo.com/profile?notification_id=65345

# Order

These drops allow you to obtain information through Liquid for Commerce module orders.

# Notification

These drops allow you to obtain information through Liquid for notifications in the Customers module.

Description Example
order.created_at String with the date the order was created.
order.current_state String with the status of the order. 2012-11-16 00:46:40
order.id Order ID.
order.order_items Array of objects with order_item type.
order.payment_info Hash with the payment information for the order.
order.short_uuid String with the short uuid of the order.
order.tax_total Float with the amount of taxes paid for the order.
order.total Float with the total amount of the order.
order.updated_at String with the date of last modification.
order.url String with the url of the order.
order.uuid String with the full uuid of the order.
order.confirmation_code String with the order confirmation code.
order.customer_email String with the customer's email associated with this order.
order.customer_name String with the full name of the associated customer.
order.order_description String with the description of the order.
order.order.reference_id String with the reference id for this command.

# Order Item

Description Example
order_item.created_at Date the order was created.
order_item.id Order item id.
order_item.name Name of the order item.
order_item.price Price of the order item.
order_item.quantity Number of items in the order.
order_item.updated_at Date the order item was last updated.

# Page

These drops are very useful when you want to make dynamic pages using Liquid.

Description Example
page.content The content of the page. Home Main Sectionx Build better digital products to unify your customer experiences and accelerate growth. Welcome to the Minimal theme. This is an HTML widget that you can modify in the Page Builder section. You can also modify the style in the Template Builder section. Go to Modyo Read the docs Create and launch digital products faster Welcome to the Minimal theme. This is an HTML widget that you can modify in the Page Builder section. You can also modify the style in the Template Builder section. Learn more Loren Ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. Learn more Loren Ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. Learn more Loren Ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. Learn more HTML dsfdfdfs customivan Content list Content list newentry 7 Feb, 2022 42838bbc-8ce8-4401-9898-3c0f2590c992 2022-02-08 14:59:31 UTC en newentry 2022-02-07 21:09:18 UTC 2022-02-08 14:59:31 UTC false
page.name The name associated with the page. Home
page.parent The page-type object that is the parent of the page, if there is no parent, it displays void.
page.url The URL of the page. https://test.miModyo.com/newsite/
page.current_path The path associated with the page. /examples
page.description The description of the page. This is the description of a very cool page
page.excerpt The excerpt associated with the page. This is the excerpt of a very cool page
page.grid The grid-type object associated with the page.
page.meta_tags Arrangement of strings with the meta tags associated with the page. My, Test, Metatag
page.title The title associated with the page. Home

# Realm

Description Example
realm.disable_modyo_credentials Boolean to determine if Modyo credentials are deactivated. True will turn off credentials.
realm.oauth2_callback_url String that determines the oauth2 callback URL.
realm.oidc_callback_url Order item name. String to determine the OIDC callback URL.

# Request

These drops allow you to obtain information when making a request.

Description Example
request.domain The domain of the request. Mimodyo.com
request.host The host of the request. test.mimodyo.com
request.protocl The protocol associated with the request. https://
request.user_agent The details of the user agent. mozilla/5.0 (macintosh; intel mac os x 10_15_2) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/96.0.4664.110 safari/537.36
request.comments_url Comments URL of the request. https://test.miModyo.com/newsite/requests/123124/comments
request.interact_url The interact URL of the request. https://test.miModyo.com/newsite/requests
request.is_app_shell? Boolean to know if the user agent of the request belongs to a Modyo app. false
request.path The path of the request. /newsite/the-new-type/newentry
request.refresh_url The refresh URL of the request. https://test.miModyo.com/newsite/requests/refresh
request.url The URL of the request. https://test.miModyo.com/ivansite/the-new-type/newentry

# Site

Site drops are used to obtain all the information of a site. The available attributes are:

Description Example
site.account The Account-type object associated with this site.
site.apple_touch_icons String with the link for the Apple touch icon.
site.cache_key The cache key associated with the site.
site.description A string with the description of the site.
site.favicon_link A string with the link to the favicon.
site.host A string with the site host.
site.keywords A string with all the keywords separated by commas on the site.
site.language A string containing the language of the site.
site.login_url A string with the URL to log in to the site.
site.logo A string with the location of the logo for the site.
site.logout_url A string containing the site's logout URL.
site.name A string with the name of the site.
site.profile_url A string with the profile link for the site.
site.pwa_icon Asset type object that contains the PWA icon information.
site.search_url A string with the URL for the site's search bar.
site.tag_manager_id A string with the Google Tag Manager ID of the site.
site.tagline A string describing the site's tagline.
site.use_pwa_manifest Boolean that determines if the site uses PWA manifest.
site.uuid A string with the UUID of the site.
site.account_url A string with the URL of the account associated with the site.
site.breadcrumb A string with the CSS class of the breadcrumb div.
site.cache_version A string with the cache key for this version of the site.
site.csrf_meta_tag A string with the CSRF meta tag.
site.css_path A string with the location of the site's CSS file.
site.current_year A string with the current year of the site.
site.js_path A string with the location of the site's JS file.
site.login_enabled Boolean that determines if the site uses login.
site.manifest_url A string with the URL of the manifest for the site.
site.meta_tags A string with the site's meta tags separated by commas.
site.root_path A string with the root location of the site.
site.service_worker_enabled Boolean that determines if the top-level service worker is activated (alias: sw_enabled)
site.service_worker_scope A string with the scope of the site's service worker.
site.service_worker_url A string with the service worker URL for the site.
site.url A string with the URL associated with the site.

# Site Browser

These drops allow you to obtain information from a site's browser.

Description Example
sitesearch.have_results Boolean that determines if the search has results.
sitesearch.results Page-type object that meets the search parameters.
sitesearch.have_less_pertint_results Boolean that determines if there are more results that exceed the maximum result limit.

# Space

Display dynamic content created in your spaces from anywhere on your site. In this object you have access to all information relevant to the entries, the content types, and the file manager. The available attributes are:

Description Example
spaces['space_name_'].categories Array of category type objects containing all the categories in the space.
spaces['space_name_'].entries Page type objects that meet the search parameters.
space['space_name_'].name The space’s name. New Space

# Target

These drops allow you to obtain information from Targets. The available attributes are:

Description Example
target.id A string with the ID associated with the target.
target.name A string with the name associated with the target.

# Content Type

Use the Content Type drops to get information about your content types from the Content module.

Description Example
type.entries Entry object array containing all entries of the type.
type.fields Object array of fields within the selected content type.
type.entry Object of the first entry of the selected type. This is also used with single cardinality entries.
type.name Name of the type. NewType

# User

Use the user drops to get information about your users from the Customers module.

Description Example
user.access_token The user's access token. Uel7k61VuWhSxX3dJDILB7BtM1I_KQi1wEkV9PtnHLQ
user.age The user's age 39
user.avatar Asset type object that represents the user avatar.
type.name Name of the type. 508
user.birth_at The user's date of birth. 1982-09-01
user.change_password_url The password change URL. https://test.miModyo.com/newsite/password/change
user.custom_fields Hash with the user's custom field data. {"_UCF_Job"=>"Software Engineer"}
user.email The user's email. ivan@modyo.com
user.external_access_token The user's external access token, if not, displays empty (void). ``UEL7K69VUWhSXxX9DjDilB7BtM1I_KQIPWeKV9pTNHLQ````
user.external_user_id The user's external user id if they have one. aswerr1m@mdaa.com
user.female_sex_value The default value when the gender is female. 1
user.first_name Returns the user's first name. Ivan
user.genders The genres present on the platform. {:id=>0, :name=>"Male"}{:id=>1, :name=>"Female"}
user.generated_password Boolenano that determines if the password was automatically generated (true) or created by the user (false). false
user.id The user's id. 16
user.initials The initials of the username. IM
user.last_name The last name of the user. Modyo
user.male_sex_value The default value when the gender is male. 0
user.member_since The date from which you are a user you have been a member of the site. 2021-11-23 18:25:07 UTC
user.name The user's full name. Ivan Modyo Gonzalez
user.notifications Array of notification type objects.
user.profile_url The URL of the user's profile. https://test.miModyo.com/realms/default/profile
user.sex The gender value configured for the user. 0
user.targets Array of objects of the target type.
user.undefined_sex_value The default value when gender is undefined. 3
user.unread_notifications Array of notification-type objects.
user.unread_notifications_count The count of unread notifications. 2
user.username The user's username. ivan@modyo.com
user.uuid The uuid of the user. cdc7f0e2-b5c3-4b92-aa34-962ffa0bi572
user.realm_uid The user's realm. my-realm

# User Agent

Use user agent drops to get information from the web browser agent.

Description Example
user_agent.agent A string with the type of agent that is running.
user_agent.as_json A string in JSON format with all the agent configuration running.
user_agent.browser A string with the browser name for the agent.
user_agent.browser_version A string with the browser version for the agent.
user_agent.is_modyo_shell Boolean that determines if the agent is being managed by a Modyo application
user_agent.platform A string containing the agent's operating system version.

# Widget

These drops obtain the information relevant to the Widgets.

Description Example
widget.cache_key The cache key associated with the widget. widgets/content_list_widgets/506-20220215151403000000
widget.created_at The date the widget was created. Tue, 15 Feb 2022 15:14:03 UTC +00:00
widget.id The ID associated with the respective widget. 506
widget.resolve_type The type of the underscored widget. content_list_widget
widget.title The title of the widget. Content list
widget.css_class The css class associated with the widget. content-list-widget
widget.name The name of the widget. Content list
widget.type The type of the widget. content-list
widget.use_default_title Boolean indicating if the widget uses the default title. false
widget.wid The widget's wid. 63ae60e2-d152-4c70-a5b0-ffa9916162e3
widget.width The width configured in the widget. full

# Content List Widget

Description Example
content_list_widget.context_params The context parameters associated with the widget. {:page=>1, :per_page=>10, :account=> #account_object, :user=>nil, :version_type=>:currents}
[content_list_widget.entries] (#entrada) Array of Entries objects associated with the widget.
content_list_widget.show_caption Boolean if the show caption option is active. true
content_list_widget.space_id The ID of the Space associated with the widget. 5
content_list_widget.type_uid The uid of the type associated with the widget. the-new-type

# Custom Widget

Description Example
custom_widget.manager_uuid The uuid of the custom widget. a6090e3f-1d46-44e3-885c-14971ca8fc27
custom_widget.sync Boolean that determines if the load is synchronous (true) or asynchronous (false). true
custom_widget.css A string with the CSS associated to the widget.
custom_widget.html A string with the HTML associated to the widget.
custom_widget.js A string with the JavaScript associated to the widget.
custom_widget.version The hashed version of the custom widget. a666a9243ea76806e4fcebfcd99650b27f162ff5f9e4c4719ab9e0f5c7d159fe

# Rich Text Widget

Description Example
rich_text_widget.html The html content of the widget. <p><strong><span style=\"color: rgb(216, 55, 98);\">Hello World&nbsp;<span class=\"fr-emoticon fr-deletable\">😃</span>&nbsp;</span></strong></p>

# Text Widget

Description Example
text_widget.html The html associated to the text widget. Hello world